Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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The foreword

Today, many researchers (including the researchers of NASA) understand that the theoretical basis of astrophysics has become outdated and contradicts not only the given research, but also the laws of physics.

The given book (a scientific work), is an analytical research on the physics of space performed by a group of researchers, under the direction of Stanislav Kozlov.

Overall objective of the given research was a search for truth.

The most advanced modern methods of analytical research are developed and applied in this scientific work. The application of these methods has led to scientific breakthrough in astrophysics and brought a solution to many unclear physical phenomena and regarding the processes occurring in space.

We can be mistaken, as well as most of the people. And we wouldn’t want this work, after its recognition, to be an obstacle to more progressive theories based on new research materials.

For today, believe that the new theories stated in this work deduce astrophysics to higher theoretical level and explain more precisely the laws operating in a space.

The introduction 

What is the star? 

This question people asked, sets, and will ask throughout the history of mankind. In different historical periods of time he gives a different answer.

Why these answers are different?

For the scientist, the researcher and an analyst, this question is not less important, than the question «That means a star?».

Why in different historical time intervals, on the same questions, the human gives different answers? All textbooks on the analytical physics should begin with this question. The way of researcher should begin with the answer to this question.

So why during the different historical periods on the same questions the human gives different answers?

Because the knowledge of the human about the world around him changes! With the development of technologies, the science, with the acquisition of experience, the knowledge of a human are extending, based on new, more modern researches. The human reconsiders, analyzes and changes his answers. So, on an example of the change of knowledge about the Earth, we can track the dynamics of changes in the answers to the question «what is the Earth?». At the beginning of development of mankind, the Earth was a flatness laid on backs of huge animals. Later, a globe around of which the Sun and other planets rotating and so on…

Another, yet not less important question – whether «were there prophets in science?».

It’s possible to answer on that confidently: in astrophysics there weren’t.

There are more examples of «idols» and scientific «idolatry», than it would be desirable. And today, at the beginning of the twenty first century, there are victims of such scientific «idolatry». These are scientists and researchers who offer original and more objective decisions of scientific problems but «scientists – officials» do not wish to hear and listen to them.

Many theories in the theoretical physics have become outdated and require revision. In astrophysics – the theory of Eddington about gas balance of a star, the theory about a gravitational collapse, the theory about degenerate gas. In the nuclear physics these are the theories about kernel structure of Rezerford and Bore. All these theories have been developed in the beginning of the twentieth century, when the nuclear physics didn’t exist yet, and all the theories listed were based on scientific imaginations of their authors. On these scientific fantasies nurtured and grown a few generations of scientists and researchers, and the founders of these theories are raised to the rank of idols of science. Their theories are perceived as the truth, and criticism as alternative theories are not even considered.

Laws of nuclear physics have been discovered years after the formations of the basic theories in astrophysics, hence, the fundamental theories of astrophysics did not lean on the laws of nuclear physics. And all nuclear physics in astrophysics are turning around the formula «hydrogen plus hydrogen equal helium».

  In this work an analytical research will be carried out by astrophysics, and shall see, what unexpected results such research can give. 

Briefly review the theory, acting in theoretical physics and astrophysics, and analyze the errors of these theories, and the reasons for which they were committed.
