Article 2ar: 

Solar and stars physics

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Article 2ar: 

Solar and stars physics.

 (brief, article review)

The last researches of the Sun, deny theories of modern theoretical astrophysics. Researchers of NASA express opinion that modern solar and stars physics theories are wrong.

«Vast Solar Eruption Shocks NASA and Raises Doubts on Sun Theory

John O’Sullivan


Mon, 03 Jan 2011 15:59 CST

NASA reports an entire hemisphere of the sun has erupted. The U.S. space agency now admits the cataclysm puts existing solar theories in doubt.

We are forever being told that the sun is a vast gas ball of hydrogen and helium at the center of our solar system. But new evidence may help prove this isn’t the case after all, according to solar experts who say the sun has an iron core.

A stunned NASA admits, “Astronomers knew they had witnessed something big. It was so big, it may have shattered old ideas about solar activity.” …

… Evidence Proves Solar Theories May Need to be Re-written Controversy about our understanding of the sun has been fomenting for years. … »


Scientists of NASA, based on the data, received during the last most powerful solar flares, call into question the generally accepted theories about the structure of the Sun and about mechanisms of its activity. The latest data allow emergence of the insuperable cataclysms related to solar activity.

The stunned NASA agency stated:

“We always said that the Sun is very big ball of gas, consisting of hydrogen and helium, located in the center of our solar system. However, new data refute this theory and prove that everything that we have stated before about the Sun is wrong.

The sun is not a gas cloud and has the iron core. We are stunned and understand that we know nothing about the Sun and the principles of its existence, as well as about reason of recent abnormal solar activity. Solar eruptions cover vast territories of the Solar surface. Eruptions cover all  Solar surface expanding snowball effect and unexplored iron core in the deep of the Sun gives impulse for these eruptions.

All pre-existing theories about the Sun, have to be rewritten.

Prepared on the basis of material: 

Translated by SMERSH



Space researchers collected lots of research material needed competent analytical processing. Analytical astrophysics authors have developed new theories in space physics by conducting research of collected scientific data. These theories are based on collected scientific data, the laws of physics and nuclear physics only.

One of the most interesting objects in the nature is the star. The star nearest to Earth is the Sun. Modern researchers carried out great work on collection of information about it. Unfortunately, the fundamental theories about the structure of the Sun written nearly almost a century ago as well as all theories in modern astrophysics are outdated. In fact as a human blood test gives information about his health, in the same the analysis of parameters of solar wind can give us a lot of information about stars structure and condition.

Heavy elements synthesis in stars is impossible in modern theoretical astrophysics. However, scientific research has suggested that heavy and transuranium elements synthesis occurs in the stars. Firstly, the spectral analysis shows existence of heavy and transuranium elements in the chemical composition of the Sun. Secondly, the 99th and 100th elements of the elements periodic table were synthesized in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. These two facts definitively prove occurring heavy and transuranium elements synthesis in stars.

The star is considered as the nuclear reactor in analytical astrophysics. On the principle of action and a structure, the star coincides with the principle of action and a structure of hydrogen bomb. Fig. № 2.1.

Let’s remind its mechanism and the concept of action. There is a volume of hydrogen fuel in the bomb center, which surrounds uranium bomb charge on all sides. Uranium bomb explosion compress a charge of a hydrogen bomb and starts thermonuclear synthesis process. There is hydrogen bomb explosion. Figure № 2.1

 In this scheme, in uranium bomb explosion occurs concentration (accumulation) of explosion force to the center.

The concentration property of energy radiation to the center is one of the most important properties of spherical  shape. Probably that due to this property, radiation concentration of energy to the center, and there is synthesis processes of lightweight and heavy nucleuses in stars. If we look at the structure of a star (Sun) in more detail, then its structure is identical to structure of a thermal boiler and the nuclear reactor.

 The star structure is most rational and most energetically effective as a structure of the nuclear reactor. Each element of this structure is important and ingeniously simple. A large number of ingenious technical solutions is introduced to a star structure. Consider the structure of a star and technical solutions embodied in its structure.

Structure of the Star

The star consists from (Fig. № 2.2):

– cores (white dwarf);

– gas-plasma mixture (The centers of thermonuclear synthesis are a part of gas-plasma mixture);

– an active zone (the star shell, “dark spots” on a star surface are a part of an active zone);

– coronas passing into stellar wind and heliosphere.

The centers of thermonuclear synthesis, born inside star (in its gas-plasma mixture), rise into the upper atmosphere fig. № 2.2. The centers of thermonuclear synthesis are high-energy plasma, the specific weight that is less of hydrogen and helium specific mass in gas-plasma mixture of a star. Having risen into upper layers of star, high-energy plasma will evenly be distributed and formed plasma shell of a star. Let’s call this area “an active zone” because there occurs thermonuclear synthesis.

Core is located in the star center, there is gas-plasma mixture located between a core and an active zone.

Active zone

In an active zone, thermonuclear synthesis is supported by supply of nuclear fuel (hydrogen and helium) from gas-plasma mixture. So, hydrogen and helium are the lightest gases, they are in the upper layers of gas-plasma mixture, that is the most energetically high-capacity fuel moves in an active zone. Thermonuclear synthesis in the star upper layers (in active zone) creates the dynamic pressure, directed inside star, on compression of gas-plasma mixture (figure № 2.3-A). The centers of thermonuclear synthesis in the form of a high-energy plasma are formed under this dynamic pressure. These centers of thermonuclear synthesis rise into star upper layers, filling active zone with high-energy plasma. An active zone filling with high-energy plasma is necessary because of its radiation from a star surface into space. This radiation of high-energy plasma creates corona, passing into stellar wind and star heliosphere. Hot gas-plasma mixture is seek to expand, but the gravitation and dynamic processes in an active zone are hold gas-plasma mixture into star volume. In this case, the active zone is a plasma shell of star. Plasma shell of star is not rigid. This property of ‘non-rigidity’ of a shell, protects a star from destruction, at powerful thermonuclear explosions inside star fig. № 2.3-B. Having considered a star structure, we see similarity to a thermal boiler and the nuclear reactor structure. In case of critical parameters in a thermal boiler, there is a pressure release, through safety the valve. Safety valves protect a thermal boiler from destruction. There are no such safety valves in uranium reactors, because of risk of radioactive material falling into the environment. There is a thermal explosion and destruction of the reactor if emergency energy in uranium reactors is released. There is a protection against destruction in the star structure, at releasing critical energy in a star. The star shell consists of high-energy plasma and is not rigid. Inside a star, at critical energy releasing, the critical pressure of gas-plasma mixture breaks through a plasma shell, forming “dark spots” on a star surface. Through dark spots, there is critical energy releasing into space. Dark spots on a star surface are “safety valves” for a star.

That is, the active zone of a star is:

– source of dynamic pressure for processes

– (1) generation of thermonuclear synthesis

– (2) and generation of high-energy plasma for an active zone filling,

– (3) non-rigid shell of  star

– (4) and mechanism, protecting a star from destruction at critical energy release;

– (5) plasma shell which holds gas-plasma mixture into star volume.

Core of star  

Core of star, as its other parts, is the genius constructive solution. During nuclear reactor works, there is nuclear fuel slagging. Simply put, nuclear fuel pollution by atoms of substances which participation in nuclear reactions is not followed by energy release. That is, the synthesis chain of slags cores absorbs the energy released in the nuclear reactor, which is necessary for synthesis of lightweight nucleus (hydrogen, helium, etc.). It is more energy released than absorbed at lightweight nucleus synthesis. Slags equal distribution in the entire volume of the nuclear reactor, will lead to reduction of nuclear reactions and reactor stopping. The star will die. In uranium reactors, fuel is unloaded at critical amount of slags, and after purification of slags, is returned to the reactor. The star is a nuclear reactor working the millennia. How the problem of nuclear fuel purification in a star is solved?

The main nuclear fuel in stars is atomic nuclei of periodic table light elements. Synthesis of light elements nuclei is followed by energy release, necessary for the next synthesis act.

The most energetically advantageous is synthesis with participation of hydrogen and helium nuclei. In such acts of synthesis, releasing the maximum amount of energy. Hydrogen and helium are the lightest gases, located in the star upper layers, there is only a high-energy plasma of an active zone above. There is a thermonuclear synthesis in an active zone, which is supported by hot hydrogen and helium supplying, from gas-plasma mixture. Atoms of slags are heavier than hydrogen and helium, therefore, slags fall down by gravity, to the star center, purifying nuclear fuel. Slags fall down to the star center forming a star core. Slags are collected and stored in a star core its whole life. The star is the reactor the using hydrogen as construction material for synthesis of substances atoms of all periodic table, including atoms of transuranium and heavy elements. What happens to matter in a star core? Star core is in the center of the nuclear reactor, therefore, nuclear reactions occur both in the core and around it. There are all nuclear reactions, synthesis, division, disintegration, with release and absorption of energy in a star core. There is core formation during whole life of a star and a core passes into a stage of the white dwarf after star death. The fate of the white dwarf depends on the star mass, in which it was created.

Gas-plasma mixture

In an active zone, volume between a star core and its plasma shell is filled by gas-plasma mixture fig. № 2.2. Gas-plasma mixture consists of gas and plasma. Under the high temperatures and dynamic processes, from the gas located in a star volume (in gas-plasma mixture), occurs a plasma generation. The most gas part of young stars in gas-plasma mix is hydrogen. Hydrogen is high-energy nuclear fuel. During a star life, nuclear fuel – hydrogen “is burned” and its quantity in the chemical composition of gas-plasma mixture is decreased.

Heavier elements atoms are synthesized from hydrogen. These heavy elements fall down by gravity. They accumulate in the layers located lower than the hydrogen level. If these heavy elements are gaseous, then they will be a part of gas-plasma mixture. If they are liquid or solid, then they will fall on a star core surface, forming the white dwarf. This process of heavy elements releasing of the hydrogen volume is purification process (or self-purification) of nuclear fuel. At the end of star life, the amount of hydrogen is decreased in its gas-plasma mixture, and the quantity of heavy elements is increased. High-energy plasma generation from hydrogen is decreased. Atomic nuclei of elements, heavier than hydrogen and helium are participated in thermonuclear synthesis. These synthesis of nuclei occurs with less energy release, and many nuclei have an energy absorption in synthesis. The older a star, the less it has hydrogen in its structure, the more atoms heavier than hydrogen into its gas-plasma mixture. With increase age of a star, there are changes in the spectrum of energy released and in the spectrum of atoms nuclear synthesis. Under the active zone, hydrogen in the upper layers of gas-plasma mixture is heated, expands and moves in an active zone for keeping thermonuclear synthesis in it. Despite constructive simplicity, gas-plasma mixture plays a multipurpose role, in a star structure as nuclear reactor. Firstly, it is a vast reservoir of nuclear fuel. Secondly, gas-plasma mixture distributes dynamic processes inside a star. Thirdly, gas-plasma mixture is a heat carrier transferring and distributing thermal load inside a star. Fourthly, there are processes of nuclear fuel self-purification in gas-plasma mixture. Fifthly, thermonuclear synthesis is generated in gas-plasma mixture.

Corona, stellar wind and star heliosphere.

In an active zone of a star there is a thermonuclear synthesis which is an energy radiation source. The spherical shape of a star creates spherical shape of an active zone. The spherical shape of an active zone forms two directions of energy radiation into a star, to its center and outward, in outer space. Energy radiation of an active zone into a star is directed to generation of nuclear processes inside a star and at keeping gas-plasma mixture in a star volume. Radiation of an active zone energy outward, dissipates energy in outer space. Radiation of star energy outward creates, the star corona passing into star wind with further heliosphere generation. What functionality operations are carried out by a corona, star wind and a star heliosphere? The star corona is a particles flow, radioactive and electromagnetic radiations from a star surface into outer space. The most of the unstable light nuclei synthesized in an active zone “live” less than a second or several seconds, neutron decays within 15 minutes. The nuclear reactions, occurred in corona, are a corona light source. The most of nuclear reactions in a corona are decays of unstable nuclei and particles passed synthesis in an active zone of a star. The flow of the atomic nuclei and particles, radiated from a star surface, forms a star wind.

If density of star wind in the level of Earth orbit equals to 15 particles per cubic centimeter, then star wind density near the Sun surface is more than 210,000 particles per cubic centimeter. Moving away from a star surface, after corona passing, radiations and star wind form (generate) a star heliosphere. The star heliosphere protects a star from the impact of gas and dust flows in outer space Fig. № 2.4. Star wind and star heliosphere form the energy bubble protecting a star from external influence. Energy radiation from a star surface creates the decreased concentration of matter inside a heliosphere. This energy radiation forces out matter from the volume of a heliosphere and prevent from penetration of matter from outer space. Such constructive combination of a star, corona, star wind and heliosphere excludes destruction of a star from the external environment influence, and eliminates resistance to the star moving, in any direction. The star heliosphere deforms under the influence of the external environment. Parameters of this deformation depend on parameters of the star movement and parameters of the gas flows movement acting on a heliosphere. For destruction of a star under the influence of external factors, it is necessary to critically deform a heliosphere, star wind and a corona of a star. Young stars have the strong heliosphere able to resist to gas flows in the center of the galaxy, around galactic black holes, keeping parameters of the movement.

Aging of a star weakens protective properties of a heliosphere. Probably, old star has critical deformation of a heliosphere, under the influence of strong gas flows. Possibly the dying star doesn’t have a heliosphere. In such cases, the star can be destroyed under the influence of external gas flows.

Consider a case of a star absorption by black hole fig. № 2.5.

Consider the NASA simulation movie about absorption of the red giant by a black hole figure № 2.5–A.

 In the figures № 2.5–B are indicated the location of a black hole and a trajectory of the gas flow movement, moving to a black hole which are not visible in the figures № 2.5–A are specified. Chemical composition of the red giant, doesn’t have much hydrogen, which is high-energy nuclear fuel. It doesn’t have a star wind, and if it does, it is very weak with a low density. Probably, the most of star wind particles have not enough speed and impulse for overcoming gravitational force of the red giant. The star heliosphere protects a star from influence of the gas flows moving in outer space.

The movement of the majority of gas streams in space, occur under the influence of black holes. In case of dual systems, where the first object is the white dwarf, a neutron star or a black hole, and the second is a star, and it is possible destruction of a star and absorption by its first object. Forces acting from the gas streams, moving to the first object (the white dwarf, a neutron star or a black hole) are directed to destruction of the second object – a star. Forces created by the star (stellar wind) and it and fields, protect a star from destruction.

Probability of a star destruction depends on a ratio of these counteracting forces. Star plasma shell of a red giant is already energetically weak, and it is not able to hold gas-plasma mixture in a star volume. The volume of gas-plasma mixture is increasing, and a stellar wind is weak or absent. Under the influence of external forces, gas-plasma mixture of a red giant is deforming easier, than gas-plasma mixture of a simple star. Nobody yet knows, how and which processes are actually occurred in the red giant, we can only analytically predict it, analyzing the available indirect data.

Let’s pass to the figure № 2.5. Photos 1, 2, 3 show the movement of the red giant about a black hole, which absolutely does not shows itself, because of the lack of illumination. Deformation of the red giant indicates the existence of a black hole. But, in terms of gravitation, the deformation type of this star is not clear. At gravitational influence, star deformation should proceed in a straight line, connecting red giant and a black hole, and the trajectory of the star movement should have an obvious deviation towards a black hole. What do we observe in the NASA simulation movie (figure № 2.5)? In the pictures 1, 2, 3, we see a deformation of gas-plasma shell of the red giant. This deformation is occurring not in the direction of a black hole, but in the direction of the gas flow, moving to a black hole!!! In the first photos, this gas flow is not visible because of the illumination lack. Why gas-plasma mixture of the red giant is deformed towards gas flow? According to Bernoulli’s law, with increasing speed of liquid or gas flow, flow pressure on its wall is decreasing. At high flow rates, particles of gas and dust of surrounding space, are absorbed into gas flow, creating reduced pressure relative to the environment, around flow. Therefore, between a star (the red giant) and a gas flow, moving to a black hole, there is a space with reduced pressure, relative to surrounding outer space. The moving gas flow is sucked gas and dust from surrounding space, creating the additional gas flows, directed to more powerful gas flow. There is a deformation of gas-plasma mix of the red giant under the low-pressure and gas flows, passing near the red giant. Photo 3 shows the absorption beginning of gas-plasma mixture of a star into gas flow. Photos 4 and 5 shows gas-plasma mixture of a star completely absorbed into the gas flow, moving to a black hole. There was a thermonuclear flash of a large amount of hydrogen, because fuel (hydrogen) came to gas-plasma mixture of a star with a gas flow. This fact says, that nuclear reactions, and possible also thermonuclear synthesis are still occurred in gas-plasma mixture of the red giant. The hot and glowing gas absorbed by a black hole is illuminated its structure.

That is, the structure of a black hole, which we see in pictures 6 and 7 is already existed before absorption of a star by black hole. Absorption of the glowing gas (plasma) by a black hole, opened (illuminated) its structure and opened a trajectory (way) of the gas flow absorbed by a black hole.

Therefore, deformation and absorption of red giant is occurring not because of gravitational influence of a black hole on a star. Deformation, destruction and adsorption of red giant is occurred under the forces influence of the gas flows movement in outer space. This movement of gas flows was created by areas with the low-pressure (vacuum areas) of gas in black holes, around the white dwarf and a neutron star. It is not possible to exclude influence of gravitational field because, the mass of matter is collected in an accretion disk, that creates its gravitational field. And in cases of accretion disks existence around white dwarfs and neutron stars, gravitational fields are created both by matter of accretion disks, and matter of white dwarfs and neutron stars. But force of this gravitational fields is very small and insignificant, relative to forces created by gas pressure difference (vacuum) in outer space:

– How does the star core – the white dwarf behave, at capture of a star by black hole?

For the answer to this question it is necessary to track the movement of the radioactive object located in the red giant. Because, a star core – the white dwarf, must have the radioactivity, characteristic of isotopes of the middle and the end of the periodic elements table. On radiation, characteristic to such radioactive isotopes, definition of the white dwarf location – a star core is possible.

Therefore, in a star structure, the factors influencing long work of a star as nuclear reactor are considered. The star is both huge storage of fuel and the nuclear reactor. Or more precisely, the nuclear reactor is constructed of fuel. There is a protection against star destruction, both from internal, and from external destructive influences in a star structure.

– Conclusions:

– In stars, the most part of energy is released at light nuclei synthesis, which are located in upper stars layers, than atoms of heavy elements and it nuclei because of small weight. Therefore, the most part of energy is released in the upper layers.

– Probably, under the influence of dynamic processes occurred in an upper atmosphere layers, there is areas of thermonuclear reaction of light nuclei synthesis (nuclear explosions) in lower and middle layers of the star atmosphere. These areas of synthesis thermonuclear reaction, under the influence of Archimedes force, rise in atmosphere upper layers and form the photosphere and the chromosphere.

– With the increase in mass of nuclei, energy release in synthesis process is decreased, and at heavy and super-heavy nuclei synthesis — energy is absorbed.

– More energy release, in the upper layers, compresses inner star layers and holds the atmosphere in its volume.

-Under the influence of gravity, heavy-nuclei are collected in the star central part. White dwarf is formed and compacted  by them under compression pressure. Probably, further more heavy-nuclei synthesis is occurred on surfaces and inside white dwarf. Heavy-nuclei, atoms and molecules are collected in the white dwarf, and after star “death”, they are the reason of collapse (explosion).

– Energy, at the moment of nuclei synthesis, is released in different directions. Part of this energy is released and dissipates in outer space. Other part of energy, directed inside, increases temperature and pressure in gas-plasma mixture (creation of conditions for nuclei synthesis), generates process of synthesis and is absorbed at synthesis of heavy-nuclei.

Part of the energy released into star is absorbed by heavy-nuclei of atoms and accumulates in the white dwarf, forming and increasing its weight and the sizes. The amount of heavy atoms in a star core (in the white dwarf) is increased. These heavy-nuclei, in the conditions of stars, are natural energy accumulators.

– High release of energy in the process of light nuclei synthesis gives high speed to these nuclei, increasing their impulse. In more heavy-nuclei synthesis, energy release is less, so their speed and an impulse are less also, therefore, probability of more heavy-nuclei synthesis is decreased. At heavy and super-heavy nuclei in the synthesis process, energy and weight are absorbed, that reduces the probability of their synthesis among themselves to zero. But the probability of heavy-nuclei synthesis under the influence of dynamic pressure from light nuclei (at their synthesis) is existed. There is a probability of synthesis between heavy-nuclei because of dynamic compression of substance to the star center on the action principle of hydrogen bomb.