Physics of stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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If the chain reaction goes faster, or the suction of gas from the space does not lead to a resumption of synthesis, there is an explosion of the «white dwarf» as a result of the uncontrolled chain reaction of nuclear fission, transuranic elements.
The power of this explosion depends on the degree of «over critical» of the «white dwarf». Moreover, the power of the explosion of the «white dwarf» depends on the mass of heavy (transuranic) atoms are in it. The higher is the actual mass of transuranic elements values of the «critical mass», the stronger will be the explosion of the «white dwarf». In our case, when the mass of a star is average, and after the explosion remains a «neutron star», the yield is not enough to throw the entire mass and therefore it remains as a «neutron star».
What is the «neutron star»?
After the explosion of the «white dwarf», and the release of its mass, the remaining mass became «a critical», i.e., the mass of transuranic atoms decreased, and the speed of valuable fission reaction began to decline (decay). The number of available neutrons in each subsequent act decreases in a logarithmic sequence. The energy of these neutrons is very high, and their number is countless. This release of radiation after nuclear fission reactions enables us to capture these cosmic objects called «neutron stars».
                 – «Neutron stars» – «pulsars»
Modern astrophysics argues that the pulsar is a «neutron star» that rotating at high speed, they commit one rotation in a few seconds.
But there is another possible explanation of the pulsation of these objects.
After the explosion, the «white dwarf» is formed into a «neutron star». The mass of the «neutron star» is radioactive and has a high neutron and radioactive radiation, which is typical for heavy kernels, involved in nuclear fission reactions.
The emission of neutrons from the «neutron stars» can’t travel for long distances for two reasons:
1. The neutrons decay into protons and electrons 15 minutes after the radiation.
2. The particles are not able to overcome the vast distance, even in the rarefied outer space. We see it as an example of the solar wind.
In moment of fission and decay of kernels particle allocated: electromagnetic radiation,

X-ray and γ – rays which can travel great distances of space. These radiation fix our devices, they have a pulsating character.
Astrophysicists explain this fact a high speed «neutron star».
We want to examine another option, more objective in our opinion.

After the nuclear explosion of the «white dwarf», the remaining mass of the neutron star is not stable and radioactive. In space, this mass emits particles, X-ray and γ – radiation, part of which extends to the Earth. The radiation is scattered and emitted in all directions as shown in illustration№R-9.8. 
