Physics of black holes

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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        Variant 4

Probably, in «the accretion disk», around «the black hole» there is a formation of stars, and then there is an explosion in the center of «the accretion disk» which throws out the stars into space. Probably, at the formation of stars, the dynamic shock waves are concentrated in the center and are being reflected, after achieving critical parameters; dynamic shock waves throw the stars out into space.

  Different variants of events succession which depend on the sizes of «the accretion disk» and the weights of gas collected in it are possible.

 A possible existence and development of dynamic waves has been considered by us in the section «Generation of thermonuclear synthesis in a star».

  Probably, a detonator of synthesis in stars, in some galaxies (especially those who have disks and sleeves), are the dynamic processes at the thermonuclear explosion in its center, at the break of «the accretion disk» of «a black hole», which placed in the center of galaxy.

The variants considered by us, are the analytical forecast of possible events. Who the succession of events happens in reality – we don’t know yet.
