The universe and galaxies

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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The distribution of radiation in an elliptical galaxy is influenced by two factors, the concentration of stars in different parts of the galaxy, and the radiation power of the stars themselves.
The highest concentration of stars is in the center of an elliptical galaxy. The radiation power of the stars themselves depends on the size of the star and its age. With increasing distance from the center of the galaxy, the age of stars increases, thus decreasing the power of their radiation.

The gas in elliptical galaxies

In order to give birth to a star, it is necessary to gather gas from outer space into one volume where the star will be born. This mass of gas has to be brought into certain parameters, after that a star is born. We found that in elliptical galaxies, stars are born in their centers. Consequently, for the birth of stars, gas from the space should be delivered to the center of an elliptical galaxy. That means, that in an elliptical galaxy, the gas must move to the center, to assemble there (concentrate), expecting to achieve the parameters needed to start thermonuclear synthesis and for the birth of stars.
Let’s consider the data that was obtained by astrophysicists in the study of gas and dust in elliptical galaxies. Studies have shown that in elliptical galaxies, gas is less than 0.1% of the mass of the galaxy, and moves it mainly radially towards the center, and accumulated there. Elliptical galaxies are filled mostly with discharged hot gas.


The analysis of the gas in elliptical galaxies, had confirmed analytically our prediction, the movement and concentration of gas in the form of galaxies.
Gas from the outer space is moving and going to the center of elliptical galaxies, where the «black hole» is placed, and under the influence of dynamic processes, this gas is packed into the stars, which are emitted back into space.

The processes taking place in elliptical galaxies

So, let’s try to describe the whole process that takes place in elliptical galaxies.
Under the influence of the «black hole» and the «accretion disk», the gas is being sucked from the space into the center of an elliptical galaxy in the volume of «accretion disk», and possibly in the volume of the «black hole». After achieving the necessary density and other parameters under the influence of dynamic processes thermonuclear synthesis reaction begins in the gas, an explosion occurs to the gathered in the center of an elliptical galaxy mass, the stars are being formed and ejected into space. It is possible that the stars are ejected as a result of multiple, consecutive, explosions. The stars removed from the galactic center with high speed, while rotating around its center. The Elliptical shape of the galaxy is created by the stellar rotation around its center. The motion of stars orbiting the center of the galaxy affected by the centrifugal force, under the influence of this, exceeding force, the deformation of a spherical arrangement of stars around the galactic center starts, building them into the elliptical form. The stars rotating around the center of galaxies, from their birth inheriting the parameters of motion of gas masses in the «accretion disk», from which, these stars were collected. Perhaps the parameters of the rotation of stars around the galactic center are affected by the parameters of explosion and the mass of the stars themselves (by Newton’s third law).
After the explosion and ejection of stars in the center of the elliptical galaxy, remains a «black hole», which is ready or getting prepared to suck gas out of space. Stars ejected from the «black hole» have heliosphere of enormous sizes, because the power of the stars in their early life stages is greater, therefore, more there are more density and velocity of the stellar wind, and heliosphere is the biggest of the stars period of life. When the motion of stars from the galactic center to the periphery, their heliosphere prevent the penetration of the gas to the center of the galaxy and may increase the amount of «black hole» (or the amount of vacuum), slowing down the process of absorption of gas in the galactic center and increasing the amount of vacuum in the central part of galaxy.
After the stars being removed to large distances from the center, gas begins to infiltrate (infiltrate) into the amount of vacuum from the space. It’s concentrating in the center of the galaxy, around the «black hole». 

 Here we must take into account the fact that the heliosphere of the star impedes absorption of the gas and dust from space that came from the outside of the galaxy. On the other hand, the heliosphere fills the space inside the galaxy with hot discharged gas allocated stars as a stellar wind. This gas fills the space inside of the galaxy, and prevents the penetration of the cold gas from space to its volume, and partially returning to the volume of the vacuum and in the «accretion disk» in the center of the galaxy. Perhaps, this gas, having a high temperature, is partially withdrew the volume of the galaxy, leaving the outer space, beyond its’ boundaries. 

Consequently, the stars and their heliosphere, are an obstacle to filling the center of galaxies with gas, like the throttle orifice in pipes, or in the air reducers. This may explain the high temperature and low gas content in elliptical galaxies. With increasing distance from the center of the galaxy, stars are aging, the volume of the heliosphere decreases, the distance between the stars rise, and the possibility of penetration of gas into the galaxy increases. Periodic repetition of the process of star formation, creates the next generation of stars which, when distanced from the center are preventing the absorption of cold gas from the space. If we look over the process of absorption of gas in the center of the galaxy, from a technical point of view, the absorption occurs, as it were a few «throttle orifice», or «choke nets», whose role are played by the stars and their heliosphere of the same age, that located approximately at the same distance from the center of the galaxy.
The diameter of these «chokes» decreases as they approach the center of the galaxy. Note that because of the low density of the gas in the nutria of elliptical galaxies, the volume of the heliosphere stars increases. Should take into account the inertia of gas and dust in space, it’s the low density, That means, a gas with a low density is hard to move, but also very hard to stop, once it started moving.
The processes taking place in elliptical galaxies are characterized and occur in spherical and elliptical components of other types of galaxies.
For an objective analysis of the processes affecting the movement of gas in elliptical galaxies, it is necessary to create a physical and mathematical model of elliptical galaxies, taking into account the thermal motion of the stars and the physical processes that affecting the state and the movement of gas.


The concept of vacuum in physics means a lack of pressure in the gas, until some specific value. But this concept includes also the lack of energy. Thus, one gas fewer by weight, but having a higher temperature (higher energy), can equalize the pressure of another gas, with greater mass, but lower temperature (lower energy). Consequently, pressure and vacuum, these are also energetic concepts.
Let’s return to the elliptical galaxies. Hot, discharged gas inside an elliptical galaxy has a great energy, but lower density. It prevents the penetration of gas with higher density but with lower temperature (energy) from outer space into the body of the galaxy. But, because of the processed in the «black hole» gas, with the formation of stars, and the increased vacuum in the volume of the galaxy, there is penetration of gas from the space.
The gas from space, is absorbed inside the galaxy, being heated on the fly by the internal gas and the stellar wind. That means, there is heat transfer, the gas from space comes to the «black hole» being hot. On the other hand, the volume of the galaxy increases due to the motion of the stars, aimed to get distant from the center of the galaxy, that means, due to its expansion.
Peripherals stars moving in space are heating the cold gas, increasing its energy (temperature), as if preparing it for submission to the «black hole».
If we consider the graphs of the gas density and energy, we can see that as one approaches the center of the galaxy until the «accretion disk», the gas density decreases and the temperature and energy increase. Consequently, there is heat and mass exchange between gases, elliptical galaxies and outer space. The cold and dense gas enters the volume of the galaxy, and being discharged, and the hot gas is partly released in space, and partly goes to the center, to the «black hole». 
