Physics of the Sun and stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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Having compared schedules №G-4.1 and №G-4.2, we see, that in the first case, at the moment of the achievement of kernel «c» charges zc=27 – 32, the high-speed characteristic sharply decreases. In the second case, the decrease in the high-speed characteristic is smoother, but the disorder of speeds in the second case is wider, than in the first. In the first case, the high-speed characteristics are denser. It is visible well on schedules №G-4.1a and №G-4.2a where the final area of the high-speed characteristics of kernel «c» is shown at zc=25 – 36

On the density of disorder of kernels speeds in «the solar wind», it is possible to assume which processes of synthesis occur on the star surface, with the participation of heavier kernels, or only under the action of easy kernels. Despite the difference in schedules, we can draw one main conclusion, for these and other cases: «in the process of synthesis of kernels «a» and «b», the speed of the received kernel «c», decreases, with the increase in its weight and charge».

The reason of speed decrease in the synthesized kernel «c», is the decrease of allocated energy, in the process of synthesis and the increase in the weight of kernel «c». That means, at the reduction of allocated energy and increase in the kernel’s weight, the speed of kernel «c» decreases and reaches values, in which the kernel is not capable to overcome the force of gravitation and the magnetic forces of a star. And that does not allow many kernels with zc >27 – 32 to be a part of «the solar wind».

                    – Secondary radiation   

Analyzing the chemical compound, high-speed characteristics of «the solar wind» and the results of our calculations, questions arise: «Where from come the protons, neutrons and kernels of helium with different high-speed characteristics in the structure of «the solar wind»?». In fact, in the analysis of easy kernels synthesis lead by us, the given particles are absent, and in the case of their presence, there is no much big high-speed and power disorder.

The answer to this question is very simple. Having looked on the table №A-2, we see a huge quantity of unstable isotopes, whose time of half-decay is less than seconds, less than minutes, less than an hour, less than a day and so on. As a result of the disintegration of these isotopes protons, neutrons, and kernels of helium are being allocated.

The kernel of an unstable isotope can be compared to a rocket with some steps. At the moment of synthesis of two kernels or more, the received kernel «c» receives a jet impulse, due to the allocation of part of the weight as radiation. Moving with the speed vc, the kernel breaks up and radiates energy and particle. In this case, the speed of kernel changes – increases or slowing down, depends on the direction of energy radiation and the given particle, as shown in fig. №R-4.14. 
