Article 8ar:

The conceptual mistake has resulted modern astrophysics in the deadlock.

Dark matter, Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars.

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Article 8ar:

The conceptual mistake has resulted modern astrophysics in the deadlock.

Dark matter, Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars.

In physics, throughout all history, scientists put forward the versions, explaining the mysterious physical phenomena. Sometimes there were projections for a possibility of physical phenomena existence and was explained the physics of these, still the undiscovered and not existing phenomena. The put-forward versions and forecasts were based on knowledge and concepts of that historical period, in which they were born. The survivability of such versions and forecasts was defined by authority of the author on scientific community. Examples of such theories are: theories about absolutely black and absolutely white bodies; the theory about dark matter; theories about Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars.

The base of modern astrophysics concepts of the 18th century – “the processes, happening in space, happen under the influence of gravitation forces”! Researchers of space carried out huge scientific work, collected great research material. But the result of this scientific work of researchers is not the break in knowledge of space physics, but deadlock of modern astrophysics. Concepts of the 18th century – the concept of gravitational influence are the reason of this deadlock. Unfortunately, today, in the 21st century, this concept is only one and dominating. Domination result of the 18th century concept is also the intellectual deadlock in astrophysics. There is a great research material, which contradicts theoretical astrophysics. What to do and where to move to break this impasse? Modern astrophysicists chose a way of adjustment of outdated theories under modern research data, and sometimes even juggling. 

Example of such juggling is theories about dark matter, about Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars. These theories adjust modern scientific research to the concept of the 18th century – gravitational influence. The juggling of these theories lie in the fact, that dark matter, Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars do not exist. It is “scientific” fiction, which purpose is to adjust modern researches of space to theories of gravitational influence of the 18th century.

The concept is the subjective parameter in science depending on opinions of the leading scientists in a certain historical period. The opinion of the leading scientists depends on knowledge or ignorance in a concrete period. The concept of early historical periods has an impact on scientific concepts. On mistakes of one historical period are imposed mistakes of other, earlier historical period. That is, heredity parameter has an impact on concepts. The main task of analytical physics to excludes influence of all subjective factors on scientific research. Scientific research has to exclude influence of scientific concepts, as a subjective factor. Only physics laws and collected research material are the base of scientific research and development of theories.

In modern astrophysics, almost all theories are wrong. The inaccuracy of these theories is that their base are not physics laws, but science fiction and forecasts of last centuries physicists.

In order for understand inaccuracy of theories in modern astrophysics, it is necessary to check analytically these theories for adequacy to physics laws.

The delusion algorithm in physics is very simple. Researchers “face” the physical phenomenon, without knowledge of its physics. The history of physics shows, that there are three reasons of such not knowledge, one is objective and two are subjective.

– The first objective reason is a lack of knowledge. Physics laws, under which the explored phenomenon works, are not opened yet, and researches on this subject were not conducted yet.

– The second reason of lack of physics knowledge of the physical phenomena is idols existence in science in our heads. Most of modern researchers in physics protect outdated theories. They cannot break the psychological barrier, created by a modern education system. The modern education system represents authoritative physicists as predictors and prophets, and their assumptions and hypotheses as truth. At the subconscious level of the assumption and a hypothesis of authoritative physicists turn into category of physics laws.

– The third subjective reason of ignorance and not understanding of the physical phenomena is the lack of a fundamental system of an analytical research.

Theories in astrophysics are thought up last century, there are theories, which are more than hundred years old.

They were developed in the absence of modern research material. Many laws of physics are opened, after development of these theories. The breakthrough of mankind in space and scientific and technological progress expanded research opportunities of physicists.

In astrophysics, large research material is saved up, but there is no fundamental system of an analytical research. Physics, without having the fundamental system of an analytical research, cannot leave abroad outdated theories, just because these theories were thought up by authoritative scientists of last centuries.

 Is it possible in the presence of such not adequate conditions for scientific research, to develop adequate scientific theories?

No. It is impossible!

The modern astrophysics is in the scientific deadlock.

Let’s consider mistakes and delusions of modern astrophysics in more detail.

– Historically, theories about absolutely black and absolutely white bodies have shown their invalidity. The concept of “absolutely black body” was offered in 1862 by G. Kirchhoff. Thermal physics laws are not opened yet. These theories were developed for an explanation of thermal radiation physics of different physical objects. Time checking showed that such bodies do not exist, and researches opened realthermal physics laws.

– The theory of dark matter is classical scientific delusion.

English scientist John Michel (J. Michell, 1724–1793), in 1783 stated a hypothesis of supermassive stars existence: light is not capable to leave a surface of these stars. At his calculations such star, with a mass of the Sun, has to have the radius, equal to 3 km. Because light cannot leave this star, the star would be absolutely dark. It was the first step to the birth of a black hole.

The similar idea was stated by the astronomer and the mathematician P.S. Laplace in 1796. At his calculations, the star with a density, equal to density of Earth, but with a radius, which 250 times more, than the Sun radius, would not allow to leave light its surface. But, because parameters of such stars are not adequate to reality, then the ideas about existence of such stars are scientific fiction. But “grain” of beautiful imagination, is already seeded in the physicist heads.

Let’s consider hypotheses of John Michel and other theories adherents of high density of matter.

Let’s consider real maximum density of the existing matter.

– Density of space objects:

Sun Density (average) – 1.4 g/cm3 (1 400 kg/m3);

Mercury density – 5.42 g/cm3 (5 420 kg/m3);

Earth density– 5.515 g/cm3 (5 515 kg/m3);

– Chemical density:

Density of uranium (92U -238) – 19.05 g/cm 3; (19 050 kg/m3);

Plutonium density (94Pu– 244) – 19.8 g/cm3 (19 800 kg/m3);

Density of the most dense substance of osmium (76Os -190) – 22.58 g/cm3 (22 580 kg/m3);

  – Density of nuclear substance:

Density of nuclear substance is about 1014 g/cm 3 (1017 kg/m3);

Density of a proton 1.81. 1014 g/cm 3 (1.81. 1017 kg/m3);

The provided real data shows that the maximum density of matter have a proton (1.81. 1014 g/cm3) and atomic nuclei (1014 g/cm3). Weight and volume of an atomic nucleus increase is impossible indefinitely. The maximum values of masses and atomic nuclei volumes are limited to physics laws.

At excess of the maximum values of weight and volume, the nucleus disintegrates. Density values of substance have restrictions by physics laws. The more mass of a material object, the less its density. It is well traced on space objects. If planets Mercury (5.42 g/cm3) and Earth (5.515 g/cm3) have the biggest density, then planets of Jupiter giants (1.326 g/cm3) and Saturn (0.687 g/cm3) have very low density, the Sun has the average density of a star –1.4 g/cm3.

Conditions, created in nuclear reactors are necessary for compression of matter to nuclear density. Stars are natural nuclear reactors. Conditions for matter compression are also created in these natural nuclear reactors. But these conditions are created by the nuclear processes, happening in stars, and not by their gravitation. The greatest possible density of matter created in a star is density of an atomic nucleus of 1014 g/cm3 (1017 kg/m3). Matter density in a proton 1.81. 1014 g/cm3 (1.81. 1017 kg/m3) is the highest density in the nature.

Let’s consider a hypothesis of gravitational radius.

The theory arose in 1784 by John Michel. The star with a mass of the Sun has to have radius, equal to three kilometers, then light of this star will not be able to leave its surface.

In 1916, Karl Shvartsshild calculated gravitational radius, based on the general theory of relativity.

Gravitational radius (Shvartsshild’s radius) is the theoretical size, and it is necessary to squeeze to this size the body, having weight, in order for this body would begin to collapse.

Body, which has the radius less than gravitational radius turns into a black hole.

Gravitational radius is proportional to body weight:  Rg=(2.G.m)/C2.= m . 1.48.10-27 m.

G – gravitational constant; C – speed of light; m – body weight.

For Earth: Rg=9 mm=9.10-3 m, for Sun: Rg=3 km=3.103 m.

Mass of the Earth is 5.9726.1024 kg.

Sphere volume with the radius Rg=9 mm=9.10-3 m is equal to 3.053 .10-6 m3.

Earth matter density, at its radius Rg=9.10-3 m, would be (5.9726. 1024 kg/3.053 . 10-6 m3) = 1.95.1030 kg/m3, that in 1.07.1013 times more than proton density.

Mass of the Sun is 1.989 .1030 kg.

The volume of a sphere, with a radius 3 km is equal to 113.097 .109 m3.

Star density of D. Michel, has to be (1.989 . 1030 kg/113.097 . 109 m3) = 175.866 .1017 kg/m3.

Density of this star would be more than density of a proton in 97.16 times.

That is, whole star has to turn into a huge nucleon, but in real physics it is absurd. If the physics is limited by physics laws, then imaginations of theoretical physicists have no restrictions. 

Today, in the 21st century, we use theories of 18 and the beginnings of the 20th century, which are more than 230 years old. The physics of 18 and the beginnings of the 20th century had no today’s physics knowledge. The physics of the beginning of the 20th century is the internal combustion engine and it is the speed of 30 km/h. Today physics is spacewalk, it is the speed of 1.5 thousand km/h, nuclear physics, synthesis of new atoms, atomic power stations. And… the theory of the 18th century, that gravitation is guilty of all physical processes in space…

Not ability of theoretical astrophysics or more precisely not ability of theoretical astrophysicists to leave from the concept of the 18th century brought modern astrophysics into the deadlock. And all attempts to break an impasse, using the outdated concept of gravitational field, lead astrophysicists further up a blind alley.

Theories about dark matter, Quark, Bosonic and Preon stars are silly and absurd in terms of real nuclear physics. So, density of a preon star is 1020 g/cm3 (1023 kg/m3) that is 106 times higher than proton density. The further the theoretical astrophysics reaches a deadlock, the density of matter increases in minds of theoretical physicists.

Theories about absolutely black and absolutely white bodies, dark matter, the quark, bosonic and the preon stars are necessary to study in the section of physical delusions. But, unfortunately, these theories are studied at the academic level, hammering minds of future scientists with heavy scientific garbage.


The physics of space is logical and very simple and confusion in theories of modern astrophysics is a psychological problem of researchers. Modern astrophysicists psychologically cannot refuse outdated theories, which were already wrong at the birth

Space objects as white dwarf, supernew stars, neutron stars, pulsars are connected among themselves by a physical chain of events. The white dwarf, after passing transformations through a supernew star, passes into a stage of a neutron star – a pulsar. One of the main mistakes of theoretical astrophysicists is that each object and each event of space is analyzed separately from other previous and subsequent events and objects. As a result of such analysis, physical communication between the research objects and physical events is lost. So, for example if between a star, as the nuclear reactor, and the red giant still exists physical communication, then between a star and a pulsar there is no this communication. The star is the nuclear reactor, therefore, laws of nuclear physics have to influence to everything that happens with a star and in a star. Because at nuclear reactions, there are thermodynamic processes, then the thermodynamics also has to be applied at the analysis of physical events. If to follow a modern theoretical chain from a star to a pulsar, then the nuclear physics participates only in the analysis of physical events, during existence of a star. During “the red giant-the white dwarf” transformation, the nuclear physics is not considered, and applied the gravitational theory, which does not have proof of existence. “The red giant, under the influence of gravitation, contracts, became the white dwarf and collapses”. But where has the nuclear physics gone? There are no proofs of gravitational compression and gravitational collapse. Strong gravitational influence of stars to matter and to light is physical concepts of 18, 19 and the beginnings of 20 centuries. This concept of strong gravitational influence compensated lack of knowledge of nuclear physics laws. That is, the processes in astrophysics happening under laws, which nuclear physics still unknown, were attributed to gravitation influence. The theories, describing a neutron star are chaos of anti-physical theories. The star consisting of neutrons contradicts laws of nuclear physics. Because of particles with two, three and more neutrons did not exist, and all attempts to synthesize such particles were unsuccessful. Therefore, existence of the star, consisting of neutrons is impossible. Existence of a neutron is opened in 1932. The wrong hypothesis of existence of the star consisting of neutrons is made in 1934, on an emotional wave. The first pulsar is opened in 1967.

 And this unknown object was attributed to neutron stars. Today, the theories, describing existence of not existing neutron star, the theory about degenerate electronic gas can be hardily carried to a reason of brain blackout. But, the farther, the more terribly! The theories describing a pulsar are surpassed all children’s horror stories… Today scientists do not know the structure of the Earth planet, where they lived all their life. But the know the structure of a pulsar, which nobody has seen and which located in one thousand light years and even the drawing is attached …!? And the physics of a pulsar most amazes…

The neutron star – a pulsar, according to modern astrophysics has strong gravitational field, which gets pulled gas of the next star, and has strong magnetic field, which pulls out elementary particles from a surface of a pulsar and releases them in space, for million kilometers away. Dracula bites the dust!!!

We considered the theories, describing a star evolution. The analysis, which is carried out by us, shows that the theories, describing the physical processes happening at evolution of ”the white dwarf to a pulsar”, have no physical justifications, and contradict physics laws.