2. Physical bases of «analytical astrophysics»

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Apparently from schedules № G-2.8, the coulomb force between kernels of two elements No with z= 102 and A= 259, being situated at the end of the periodic table, it is more by 465.8 times than coulomb force at interactions of kernels of hydrogen Н with z= 1 and A= 2. This huge difference speaks about the impassibility of synthesis of heavy kernels in stars. But heavy kernels exist, so is their synthesis. Hence, there should be a way in the nature which bypasses these difficulties. If the engineer wants to create a device which would help humanity to get non peculiar abilities, for example, to move quickly or to fly, this engineer will create such design which would help the human to bypass the congenital «lacks». In the nature it’s the same. If under laws of physics the synthesis is not possible, but yet occurs, means, there are schemes or laws which bypass these obstacles.

In their turn, these obstacles are necessary for avoiding chaos in the nature.

Let’s return to coulomb forces, on schedules № G-2.8 we have considered the variant of application of superfluous pressure during the synthesis, in this case we see an increase in the reaction parameters of synthesis between the same kernels, not by 465.89 times, but only by 17.6 times, concerning kernel Н with A= 2, which implying already to a high probability of the synthesis of heavy kernels. And if to compare to the parameters of synthesis of two protons, the necessary force for the synthesis of two kernels with z=111 and А=272 by 95.8 times above the necessary force for the synthesis of two protons, and the pressure is even lower and makes 0.745 from pressure necessary for synthesis of two protons. The received results are the maximal borders. That means that the parameters of the variants of the heavy kernels synthesis we received, are strongly overestimated. Actually, lower values are necessary for the synthesis of kernels.                         

So at moment of synthesis of two identical kernels No with z=102, we have received a kernel with z=204, which even if exists in the conditions of stars, doesn’t interesting us on the given level of development.

What’s does interesting us is the borders of the synthesis of kernels up to Сs with z=55 and А=133.

At synthesis of two kernels Сs, the force of coulomb will be equal 3421.1359 N, that by 184 times higher than the coulomb force at the synthesis of hydrogen Н (with А=2), and the necessary pressure for synthesis 2132 . 1028 Pa, which is by 11.23 times higher than at Н (with А=2), and makes, approximately 50 % from the necessary pressure for synthesis of two protons.    

 Where from the initial energy for synthesis undertakes? And what are the conditions which should be carried out in order to start the synthesis in stars?

The answers to these questions are not simple.

For the reception of initial energy, it is PROBABLE that it’s not necessary to overcome any coulomb barriers at all!!!

Since the first synthesis is possible between a proton and a neutron, and there are no pushing away forces between them. And we receive a kernel of hydrogen Н (with А=2) and a net energy 2.22 MeV. And the new kernel will receive an impulse for following synthesis but if this kernel will meet a neutron – in this case it is not necessary to overcome coulomb barrier. We shall receive kernel Н (with А=3) and a net energy 6.257 MeV, with the change of an impulse of a new kernel in greater or smaller party and so on.

This is a simple decision for receiving the initial energy for a birth of stars.

But the increase in a kernel due to the neutrons is not possible.

And if in a kernel with one proton and several neutrons, one of the neutrons breaks up, having turned to a proton, it will be another way to lead to a synthesis of kernels, the «cheapest» way. Whether it is possible, synthesis by accumulation of neutrons in a kernel, and then by transforming part of neutrons into protons?
