Physics of stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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Such outbreaks are possible in outer space enriched with gas, or in a binary system of stars, where there is the possibility of overflow of gas from the surface of the star to the «white dwarf» or «neutron star». This process should be characterized by the presence of hydrogen in the spectral analysis. Similar processes are possible for «neutron star».

After the explosion (collapse), around the «neutron stars», also an amount of vacuum is formed, where the gas is sucked in from outer space.

    – Another, more basic physical process in a supernova outbreak is the explosion – the collapse of the «white dwarf», and of stars with medium and large masses. The explosion of the «white dwarf» the stars of medium mass, in the epicenter of the explosion remains a «neutron star». The volume of the vacuum surrounding the «neutron star» is wider than the one around the «white dwarf». Because of the explosion is ejects the mass of the large volume of surrounding space.

This process is consistent with a supernova explosion of the star of the first type, when the ejected shell shoots out to the spectrum, which is not including hydrogen.

The reason for the explosion, the collapse of the «white dwarf» – it’s a valuable uncontrolled fission of transuranic elements, perhaps in excess of spontaneous decay of extra-heavy elements, including those whose existence is possible only in the state of stars. Perhaps the presence of these elements won’t let the probability to decipher the spectrum to occur, all the elements ejected in the explosion, the shell above the new stars of the first type and the range of all elements of the «neutron star». As a result of this explosion the «neutron star», is born. That means exactly the proof of an explosion during the fission of transuranic elements with neutrons.

    – During the explosion of the «white dwarf», a star of large mass, the entire mass of the «white dwarf» is ejected from the explosion site and formed into a deep vacuum in a huge amount – this is the beginning of a chain of physical processes named the «Black Hole».

Supernova outbreaks are what we have considered as two types of nuclear explosions – (flares) and their different combination with each other.

Supernovae of the first type – is the collapse of the «white dwarf» of the stars of medium and large masses.

The explosion occurs as a result of uncontrolled chain reaction of fission of heavy kernels. In this event part or all of the mass is being thrown out of the «white dwarf». The shell ejection is expanding, since the hydrogen in this type of explosion is not involved, then its spectrum is absent. After the maximum, the flash is reduced logarithmically. By the same law the declining power of fission chain reactions occurs. Similar outbreaks of Supernovas are possible, wherever they a star of medium and large masses. The formation of the «neutron star», its radioactivity and the reduction of power of the radioactivity of the logarithmic law confirms that such an explosion exists.

Supernovae of the second type – It’s a flash of thermonuclear synthesis of hydrogen around the «white dwarf» or the «neutron star», at the expense of dynamic processes in the intake gas from outer space into the volume of the vacuum around the «white dwarf» or a «neutron star».

    – This outbreak is the result of second synthesis with the participation of hydrogen, which has grown deep from outer space.

The spectrum contains lines of hydrogen, there’s no large mass ejection from the star.

The mass of the «white dwarf» should increase. After the outbreak a «white dwarf» remains and possible resurgence.

This type of outbreak is possible in areas rich in cosmic gas – hydrogen, in the sleeves of spiral galaxies and in binary star systems, where there is a possibility of exchanging the masses.

Repetition of the outbreaks of the second type is possible at the presence of a supportive environment.

    – All other types of supernova outbreaks consist of different set of processes we examined at the first and second types of outbreaks. 

Possible combinations of supernova explosions.
