Physics of the Sun and stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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     1. The factors influencing the chemical compound of «a solar wind». 

    – In order to include any kernel in the structure of «solar wind», there should be the probability of manufacture this kernel in the process of synthesis in «the active zone», or in the nutria of a star. For this purpose it is necessary that for the speed of the initial kernels participated in the synthesis were sufficient for the synthesis of the kernel we’re interested in.

– The speed of the received kernel should be more than zero.

– The speed of the received kernel should be sufficient for overcoming the resistance of a star (magnetic, gravitational fields,

            f(v, Mz, mz, z))

– The stability of the received kernel. Time of a kernel life, received during the synthesis should be enough for recognition of this kernel. Since from the birth of the atom kernel until its recognition passes the time period, during which the kernel is taken up to the space vehicle, for gathering particles of «a solar wind» enters, the time of delivery to the laboratory and the analysis. Hence, stability and time of a life of isotopes of «a solar wind» influences the reliability of definition of the chemical compound of «the solar wind».

In the table №A-2, presented the data about time of a life of isotopes up to z=30. 

2. The factors influencing the speed, energy and temperature of particles and kernels that are a part of the solar wind.     
