Article B: 

Which discoveries were made in this research work?

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Article B: 

Which discoveries were made in this research work?

– The structure of the star is completely revised.

One hundred years ago, as today, the star, naively, is presented as an object, in the core of which happening thermonuclear synthesis of hydrogen to helium under the influence of gravity. If this already old scheme would be valid, then by the force of gravity of the planets around many gathered would have the gas and dust from space, would be warmed the planet and turned it into a star. But such incidents we do not know. On the contrary, in Solar system exist planets, mass of which, few smaller than the mass of small stars, but the temperature of these planets is not only does not increase, but on the contrary is one of the lowest among the planets of the solar system. Objects that are considered protostars are more similar to accretion disks than the protostar. If the stars were born through the protostar, the mass and dimensions of all the stars would be the same.

– We have found that the modern scheme of the stars cannot act as a nuclear reactor.

After analyzing processes, occurring in the star and the collected research material, we have predicted schema of the structure of the star as the current nuclear reactor. This scheme is very simple and reminds the scheme of nuclear reactors and heating boilers. The

. The spent fuel, by gravity, is concentrated in the center of the star, forming the core of the star – white dwarf. Under the influence of force of gravity is the process of cleaning light fuels from heavy toxins, collection and storage of these toxins in the center of the star, at its core (white dwarf).

Hull of stars, the chromosphere and the photosphere, represent high-energy plasma, the formed as a result of thermonuclear fusion in the volume of stars, and climb to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Rising to the upper atmosphere, high-energy plasma, collects, forming a huge layer of a sphere around of stars and around the gas-plasma mixture. This hull is not hard. The absence hardness in shell of the star protects it from destruction, in the allocation of energy in the star above the critical parameters. That is, in the allocation of energy in the star above the critical parameters of non-rigid hull serves as a safety valves, relieving the excess released energy through the dark spots on the surface of the star (the Sun) in the space.

 In the construction the star, we see a genius solution our Creator, combine the stellar envelope and the protection star systems from destruction in a single design.

– Physics of the Sun and stars is also a completely revised. From the old theories left just the words «in the star is a synthesis of the nuclei». In the old theories of nuclear fusion in the star happens before helium forming a helium core. Particularly ambitious hypothesis extend the chain of synthesis before the carbon and iron. Our theory says that the entire periodic table of elements (Mendeleev), is synthesized in stars from hydrogen, as the primordial primary product. You ask – «what’s the difference, synthesis comes before the iron Fe or Fermi 100Fm?». To this question I answer unequivocally, that this fact is the key to unlocking of half of secrets the space physics.

Let us follow this chain of discoveries of cosmic physics. If in the star is a synthesis of transuranic elements, about what speak the facts, the accumulation and store of transuranic elements in the core. When the accumulation and store of transuranic elements in the core of the star – a white dwarf, the collapse of a star, namely, the white dwarf is not because gravitational compression (direct and indirect evidence of this physical phenomenon – not) but because of a chain reaction of nuclear fission of transuranic elements.

In a star with greater mass accumulated more transuranic elements than in the star with less mass.

Consequently, the power of the explosion, by stars with greater mass above, that are logically and physically true, this fact is used to increase the power of the explosion of uranium bombs..

In what transformed a white dwarf after his collapse?

«Neutron Star» where fiction and where reality?

After the discovery of the neutron in 1932, on an emotional surge from the opening in 1932 – L.D. Landau, and in 1934 W. Baade and F. Zwicky, suggested the existence of an object composed of neutron and named it the neutron star. In 1967, Bell has found object, radiation exposure, and also on an emotional surge from the open, it was credited to a neutron star, since the other free objects was not predicted.

In physics often predict the existence of not yet found objects, with the existing characteristics. Well, not just physics – the prophets.

The same happened with the neutron star, on an emotional surge from the discovery of the neutron, predicted the existence of neutron stars consisting of neutrons. And on an emotional surge from the opening of a new cosmic object, he was tied up with a neutron star. Under such emotional outbursts no matter what the object consists only of neutrons, can not exist. Not be found evidence of the existence dineutron, and attempts to synthesize it have failed. Consequently, the existence of stars consisting only of neutrons is not possible, and this fantasy of physicists of the last century.

– Black Hole.

Modern theories of physics of the black hole are not logical, not clear and contrary to the basic physical law of conservation of mass.

What force pulls gas and dust from space to a black hole, the white dwarfs and neutron stars?

The vacuum pressure of the gas with respect to outer space, which occupies a huge amount, creates huge forces that move the gas flow space, create a huge space vortices: – accretion disks of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, discs and sleeves galactic. Cosmic vortices – give birth stars. It is the power vacuum created by an engine of the universe. Explosions of supernovas is two types of nuclear explosions at the end of a star’s life, a chain reaction of fission of transuranic elements and the renewed thermonuclear synthesis of hydrogen, by sucking gas from the surrounding space, in the amount of vacuum around the white dwarf or neutron star.

Galaxy. The development and evolution of galaxies, is the development and evolution of black holes and areas of the vacuum in the center of these galaxies.

Another mystery of space was opened, or even one error is corrected in astrophysics.

To correct this error, gives us the opportunity to understand the reason for of gravity of white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, physics of phenomena such as supernova explosions, the evolution of galaxies. And perhaps, the evolution of the universe.

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