Physics of stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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How is it possible to change the chemical composition of the atmosphere on the planet? If we assuming that temperature and pressure are conducive to the emergence of life.
It turns out, that the high content of CO2 (carbon dioxide), low oxygen O2, high content of chemical compounds of nitrogen in the soil and the increased radiation – all these are a favorable condition for the emergence, reproduction and evolution of plants and certain bacteria. Plants absorb carbon dioxide CO2 produce oxygen O2, taking the carbon with the formation of plant mass, reducing the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing the proportion of oxygen.

Bacteria along with the plants are processing chemical compounds containing nitrogen N in the soil and the atmosphere, while stressing it in the form of gas in the atmosphere.
As we have said, the chemical composition of the atmosphere being similar to the chemical composition of the atmospheres of Venus and Mars is favorable for the rapid development and growth of plants and bacteria, which change the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere reduces the (changing) the rate of growth and development of plants and bacteria. On the planet there is an automatic adjustment of the chemical composition of the atmosphere, vegetation and bacteria.

In case of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will automatically be an increase in the gas processing plants by increasing their mass, which depends on the carbon content of «C» in the air, and which is formed from plant mass. That plants and bacteria are the vital link to change the chemical composition of the planet’s atmosphere and creating favorable conditions for the emergence of wildlife and humans. You may ask an interesting question: «Where do you store carbon, selected from carbon dioxide?». The answer is simple – in plants, and after completion of their life cycle – in the soil. Consequently, the plants are at the same time, a «plant» for processing carbon dioxide into oxygen and also a warehouse for storing a recycled carbon. It is a surprisingly simple and most rational solution. The emergence of life on the planet begins with the emergence of bacteria and plants, which, as a result of its vital change the chemical composition of the planet’s atmosphere, making it beneficial to wildlife and humans.

Analytically, we have found a logically confirmed earlier hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth being initiated by bacteria and plants.
But we are interested in another question: «Was the Earth placed in the solar system during the emergence of life?».
The main problem of this issue lies in the fact that modern plants are processing carbon dioxide due to the photosynthesis. That means that in order to absorb CO2 and release oxygen. The modern plants need a light source, such source is the sun. Consequently, the planet Earth was part of a solar system at the dawn of her life.
However, having 95% the of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the penetration of sunlight through the atmosphere is impossible, the plants could not receive light from the Sun due to the opacity of the atmosphere.

Consequently, the presence of a star as a source of light for plants is not important, because the stars light would have reached these plants. 

 How come, the plants alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere?
There are several answers:
– Plants of the period of the origin of life did not need the light for recycling CO2 in O2. In the course of changes of vital conditions on a plant planet evolved and became modern. After all, there are algae on the bottom of reservoirs living without light. Perhaps the first plants that processed the Earth’s atmosphere have been algae.
– Emission of light, infrared rays and radioactive radiation of the planet itself, as the core of cooling stars, were enough for the plants to change the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
The presence of large plant leaves, in the period of the origin of life, may be an evidence for the lack of light for photosynthesis in the leaves of small size, and the influence of high background radiation.

Consequently, life on Earth, could have been engendered in the period when the planet was wandering in the galactic space and was not yet a part of the solar system, as described in the Bible.
Sooner or later, mankind will face the problem of the need for a serious exploration and colonization of outer space. Our civilization will face a humanitarian issue – peaceful coexistence with other civilizations, and the problem of mastering a vital space. Based on the analysis of solar system planets, the planets are adapted to human life and living organisms is almost there. Consequently, mankind will face a problem of taking the necessary actions to adjust some of the planets to human life. What is need to be taken into account and should be done during the acquiring of planets.

While acquiring the planets we must:

1. Find a planet where the temperature regime would have been suitable for life.

2. At a planet choice it is necessary to consider presence of water or possibility of its manufacture, as a primary factor of existence of a life.  

3. Revise and adjust the atmosphere of this planet for habitation of living organisms. In order do

this we have to implant bacteria and plants on the surface of the planet and its atmosphere. These will rework the chemical composition of the atmosphere and make the atmosphere suitable for living animals and humans.

Maintaining an of experiences on processing of atmospheres of planets and for working out of a

technique of all this process is necessary. For this purpose it is necessary to analyze possibility of

maintaining an of such experiences on the Earth, having created in laboratories the conditions existing on planets potentially we’re interested in. After the termination of a stage of terrestrial working out it is necessary to analyze possibility of maintaining an of experiences on atmosphere processing on planets of Solar system.

– Primeval fauna

Primeval fauna on Earth consisted mainly of cold-blooded animals – large sized lizards. The presence of large cold-blooded animals testifies the suggests a hot climate. That means that cold-blooded animals get heat from external sources. To warm the huge body, high ambient temperature is required. Perhaps, for the primitive animals breathing a lower amount of the oxygen in the atmosphere was sufficient. The huge size of animals and plants may suggest increased background radiation and high carbon content «C» in the atmosphere. Possible reasons for the extinction of giant dinosaurs and prehistoric animals:
– Cooling of the planet, increasing the thickness of the Earth’s peel, which leads to a decrease in the surface temperature of the planet. The heat received from the sun was not enough to maintain a high temperature on the surface, supposing that the Earth has already entered into the solar system. 

 By lowering the temperature of the environment, decreases the amount of heat, obtained by cold-blooded animals.  In which connection, the heat, animals derived from the skin surface, has a square dependence, and his need for heating of the volume of the animal body has a cubic dependence. Slight decrease in temperature gives considerable increase in cooling of animal organism, which could lead to hypothermia and extinction of large cold-blooded animals.

    – Changing the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Perhaps, increase in the amount of O2 has led to oxygen toxicity or to other changes in the organisms, which led to extinction of those animals.

– The period of maximum volcanic activity that caused the change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere and possibly other disasters.
– Genetic degeneration of primitive animals.
– Reduce of the radiation background, since the radioactivity affects the mutation and the growth of organisms, plants and animals.
