Physics of stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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 The atomic kernels or particle are emitting in portions, but since in stars and «neutron stars» of atomic kernels are emitting a huge number of electromagnetic waves, and their density is high, and the time of emission is different, the radiation from all these cores and the particles coalesce into a single beam. At a short distance from the «neutron star» (or stars), the difference in the angles of radiation is not too big, and the difference between the beams is not significant. But at large distances, the radiation from various point sources are separated. Thus, when the angle between the rays is 10-12 degrees, the distance between them on the surface of a «neutron star», with a radius of 10 km, will be equal to the distance between the three atoms of a solid material. At the distance of the Earth’s radius from the center of a «neutron star», the discrepancy between these rays will be 10-10 km, which for the perception of the eye (in the case of light emission) is not discernible. At a distance of 250 light-years the difference will be 41.28 km and at a distance of 1000 light years, this discrepancy will be 165.122 km.

If a «neutron star» of the same radius as the Earth, at an angle of 10-15 degrees on the surface, the difference between the beams will be commensurate with the distance between two atoms in a solid body – 10-13 km at a distance of 250 St. years. This discrepancy will be 41 meters, and at a distance of 1000 St. Years – 165 meters.

This means that the devices record only a small part of the radiation from the «neutron stars», and it’s impossible to give an objective response by these records.

In the «neutron star» and on its surface complex physical processes taking place, that must be analyzed by specialists in nuclear physics, thermal physics, mathematics, and possibly other professionals.

The parameters of radiation, fixed on the Earth are influenced by of the rotation of the «neutron star», and the movement of the molten mass inside, and on its surface. But this whole process should have some general pattern of declining activity. Let’s look on the mechanism of radiation from the surface of a «neutron star» in moment of rotation.    
