Physics of the Sun and stars

Copyright © 2010 by Stanislav Kozlov

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4.4. A structure of a star

Let’s consider the device and the work of the Sun as a reactor of thermonuclear synthesis.
Let’s enter some concepts of the uranium reactors taken from the physics.
«The active zone» – a volume where there are nuclear reactions of synthesis with allocation of most of the energy, presumably is the top layers of the atmosphere: photosphere, chromosphere, possibly, the bottom layers of a crown also.
In most of the star kernels synthesis occurs, but not always and not everywhere this synthesis goes with allocation of energy. We shall remind that according to theory of Eddington «the active zone» is in the center of a star kernel.
Drossing– formation and accumulation of kernels of atoms, which further participation in synthesis, does not conduct to allocation of energy, and absorbs part of allocated energy.
The heat-carrier– the substance moving and transferring thermal energy and cooling «the active zone».
Fuel – kernels of easy atoms, during the process of their synthesis energy is allocated.
(Kernels of atoms which don’t lead to allocation of energy during their synthesis are not fuel, but dross).
The poisoning – accumulation of easy kernels of fuel with the following act of synthesis (or few acts of synthesis) which goes without allocation of energy, or with its absorption. In the future, the chain of synthesis for these kernels goes with allocation of energy.
Let’s consider a possible variant offered by us, of the device and the principle of action of a star as a thermonuclear reactor.
Since the star is created by a mind greater than the humans, in the future research of the given subject, its structure will change and be specified. We offer the simplified approach to a structure of a star, as to an engineering design of a thermonuclear reactor.
The star consists of the following constructive components: kernels of a star, a gas-plasma mix, an active zone and a crown.

A crown

The crown of a star is a stream of particles, atoms, kernels of atoms, isotopes, radiations, a full spectrum of the electromagnetic radiations having high density and everything that is a part of «the star wind», while having high speed and radial movement directed from the surface (the top layers of an atmosphere, «the active zone») stars.
High speed and radial direction of the movement, the particle, the kernel and atoms, received at the participation in nuclear reactions of synthesis, disintegration, and it is possible divisions, in the top layers of an atmosphere of a star and at the break of «the active zone», a gas-plasma mix through dark spots on its surface. In the crown there are nuclear reactions with allocation of energy. The basis of these reactions is made with the disintegration of stable kernels of atoms which have been synthesized in «the active zone» of star. Nuclear reactions of synthesis in the bottom layers of a crown are possible. The luminescence of a crown is probably speaks two factors:

   – High density of radiations from «an active zone»;

   –  There are probably nuclear reactions of disintegration in the crown, and synthesis, leading to allocation of energy. At the removal from a star, the crown passes in a heliosphere. Whether the crown is a constructive part of a star or not, is not a simple question. Proceeding from the facts known to us, it is possible to approve, that the crown does not exist without a star, and the star is not present without a crown.

An active zone                        

«The active zone» is in the top layers of an atmosphere of a star, there is a thermonuclear synthesis in it, the energy is radiated not only to an external space, but the radiation is directed inside the stars, the expansion of a gas-plasma mix restrains being under a layer of «the active zone». Probably, «the active zone» consists of huge quantity of sources of radiations which are the centers of thermonuclear synthesis.

Hence, «the active zone» of star is not only the basic energy source, but also the environment of the star, as the environment (or the case) a nuclear reactor.

In the given fact we observe the ingenious decision, Our Creator which has combined the basic energy source – «the active zone» and an environment of a star in a united design.

One more ingenious decision of this design is that «the active zone» as an environment (or the case) of stars is not a rigid design. We shall understand the advantage of such decision by consideration of the «dark spots» on the Sun surface.

In volume of «the active zone» thermonuclear synthesis occurs and the matter is in a state of plasma – is as much unpacked as possible. That means that the mass unit borrows the greatest volume possible. On this volume operates Archimedes force. This force supersedes the volume of plasma on the surface, in the top layers of an atmosphere of a star, where the nuclear weight and density of gases are minimal.

We see the proof to the stated at the tests of hydrogen bombs.

At the ground and air tests, the heated areas where were the thermonuclear reactions of synthesis occurs, rose in the top layers of an atmosphere of the Earth, and the more powerfully was a charge of a bomb, the higher the heated sphere rose.

  The huge weight of a gas-plasma mix cannot be kept around of the kernel of a star. «The active zone» carries out functions of an energy source and an environment (star) which keeps the weight of the star in its volume.                                  

Processes occurring in «the active zone» create not only backpressurewhich, keeps an the extending gas-plasma mix, but also create the raised pressure, temperature and other conditions for the synthesis of heavier kernels inside of a star. «The active zone» replenishes with the centers of thermonuclear synthesis which, are formed in the gas-plasma mix and rise in the photosphere, compensating the reduction of the same centers and outflow of a matter from «the active zone» in the form of radiation, through the chromosphere and the crown.         

The basic part of the energy allocated by the star is made in its «active zone». 

In «the active zone», the allocation of energy occurs due to the synthesis of easy kernels (Н, He and so on).

«The active zone» borrows volume, photospheres, chromosphere, and possibly, the top part convention zones and the bottom part of a crown adjoining them. In this volume there is a synthesis of easy kernels to allocation of most of the energy.

From the external parties of a star, under the influence of radiation impulses from the active zone, the crown of a star is created occurring in the heliosphere around of a star which constrains streams of space gas and a dust, creating the unloaded space. There is a movement of planetary system of a star, to minimally possible the resistance of surrounding gas. The stream of «the star wind» creates pressure upon planets. The direction action of force from the pressure of «a star wind» will be to the opposite direction of the force of attraction between a star and a planet.

The value of this force is proportional to the product of pressure of «the star wind», in an orbit of the given planet, and the area of cross-section of a planet considering its magnetic fields.
